- 250 KG. (550 lbs.) capacity
- Lift heights up to 240″
- 24 ft. per minute lift speed
- 48″ x 60 platform maximum dimensions
- Self-contained pump units filled with oil
- Standard push button control
- Optional controls:
- Key control
- Wing level
- Joy Stick
- Upper level call/send unit
- Lower level call/send unit
- Hydraulic cylinder
- Adjustable dual type pick-up chains
- Standard cat yellow enamel paint. Custom colours can be supplied as an option.
- All working parts enclosed for safety and security
- Controls will not function until gate or safety bar is closed – optional
- Gate or safety bar is mechanically locked when lift is elevated – optional
- Pump to have manual lowering valve – optional
- Lowering solenoid needs power to lower lift
- Platform and ramp surfaces finished in anti-skid
- Adequate platform size 12 sq. ft.
- Safety factors 3/1 hydraulic, 5/1 mechanical
- Designation sign
- Up limit switch (electric) plus mechanical stop
- Down speed to match up speed
- Relief valve set 125%
- Pressure gauge – optional
- Anti-creep device – optional
- Pump and cylinder in non-accessible location
- Hydraulic velocity fuse and re-set button